Zero's Song by Malaki Rodriguez

Zero's Song by Malaki Rodriguez
Zero was a bird with a very unusual talent, especially for a bird. (And once you’ve been Zero Zonked, you will never forget it.) Trying to solve the mystery of the missing birds - all birds - totally - from the whole earth, Zero was tricked into the unfathomable bird prison of the disappeared. He immediately put two and two and Zero together and calculated an escape plan, adding his ability for singing anyone to sleep - to some surprising ideas of other birds. Don’t discount anyone’s contribution -- everyone can help -- the numbers will always add up!
Measures 8" x 8" | 32 pages | hardbound | 100% original
Our printing and shipping have been affected by Covid-19. We will ship your book as soon as we can!
Themes: friendships, creative problem solving, teamwork, being daring, endurance
When you purchase a Red Fred Project book, the proceeds—beyond the printing costs—are sent to the child to help with his/her medical expenses. Thanks for your support!